
I have been working on a Ruby on Rails application recently. We were using Yahoo Web Player to play our audio and video files. It worked really nice, especially for tablets and smartphones which do not allow the use of Flash. However to my horror I noticed this morning that it no longer works. When I view the page source it says that the script is missing. When I check the old link for Yahoo Web Player it forwards to the home page. When I check the Yahoo web site they say nothing about it. It looks like they have gotten rid of it with no announcement. It was working this weekend but today it does not work.

I am looking for suggestions for a free HTML5 media player that will not take up too much space when it is launched. Basically I am looking for a player that does not display until a MP3 or YouTube link is clicked. If not I will settle for a hybrid HTML5/Flash media player.

Any help would be appreciated. I am continuing to search but so far have found nothing.

UPDATE 7/3/2013 8:00 pm CDT GMT-5: I took the suggestion of David and copied the script from his link and created player.js in my public folder. I tested this and it worked well. However I noticed that there was another link in the script with a Yahoo URL http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.5.1/build/yui/yui-min.js. Just to be safe I copied this script into a text file named yui-min.js and changed the link in player.js to point to my file instead. Yahoo Web Player still works nicely. Oh what a relief!!!!


8 Answers


I don't know how long this link will work, but it is the source code of the Yahoo Web Player. I saved it into notepad and named it player.js. I changed my website code to access this new file, and I have everything working again! Awesome! Here's the link: http://webplayer.yahooapis.com/player-beta.js


As Nathaniel Granor pointed out, they have disabled the player. Their beta build is still up for the time being at: http://webplayer.yahooapis.com/player-beta.js

However it may not work as intended. After reviewing the sourcecode of the player, it makes calls to the yahoo cdn in a few places that are also down, effectively breaking the player's performance. These three lines appear to be the problem:


Unless anyone has archived the content from these links, you will most likely have to get another media player for your site.


I developing a working alternative which is currently up on http://pitchforkpal.com/bootiemashup . To use it, all you have to do is copy three lines of code into your HTML code.

Technical details:

It uses jquery to insert some code before every link to an mp3 file.

    $("<span><a href=\"" + $(element).attr('href') + "\" class=\"sm2_button\"></a></span>").insertBefore(this);

The jquery-generated code is then converted to a functional button with code from Soundmanager2's mp3 button player demo.


Yes, they have gotten rid of it. I was greeted with the same issue today. I found the announcement here: http://yahoo.tumblr.com/062813

I too am looking for alternatives. Best-looking alternative I've found so far is jplayer.org


I got blindsided with the same issue yesterday. I write a blog that has hundreds of mp3s and youtube video links. I have all the mp3s on my server. Yahoo WebPlayer would recognize the media files and create a playlist of all the media on the page and put a little play button in front of each one. Whichever post you opened, it would play all the music on that page with just one click. And all I had to do was copy one line of html code into the site. It was brilliant!

Here's a list of other options, but I have not found one that wouldn't require me to type in the path of each and every mp3 file. That would take days of work!

Top 25 Best Free Online Music Players For Your Websites Or Blogs http://savedelete.com/free-online-music-player-for-website-and-blogs.html


With regard to LightBe Corp's 7/3/2013 update, player.js has several more HTTP references back to Yahoo servers which continue to make it vulnerable to Yahoo cuts.


Just to add that I found this player that the author wrote which uses quicktime or windows media player. It employs a pop-up though. Good for those who want to avoid flash.


Look for batmosphere multiplayer. You just need to download and add the js link to your page.