I am new to Asterisk. We re working on an IVR project in University and we have some queues in queues.conf file. Some of our queue members are not registered in asterisk and we re calling them via trunk. But the problem is that we cant get the DEVICE_STATE information of these devices that is noıt registered in asterisk.
For example when we use Verbose function to see the state of a device; Verbose(${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/[email protected])})
it says the phone is INVALID.
But on the other hand we can call this phone via trunk. Is there any way to get the DEVICE_STATE of a phone which is not registered in asterisk and calling with trunk.
Thanks and Regards
same => n, Dial(SIP/dude/123&SIP/gal/321&SIP/guy/555)
– dougBTV