I am working on the site which needs real time tweets to be displayed to users. I have used Tweet Sharp library to fetch tweets. My site needs tweets to be refreshed frequently, but sometimes I get {"The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests."} error. As my site needs real time information, I have to fetch tweets frequently. How can I achieve this? How to get newest tweets without hitting to the Rate Limits?
TwitterService service=new TwitterService(AppSetting.objTwitterClientInfo.ConsumerKey, AppSetting.objTwitterClientInfo.ConsumerSecret, AppSetting.objTwitterModerateInfo.ModerateAccessToken, AppSetting.objTwitterModerateInfo.ModerateAccessTokenSecret);
var options = new ListTweetsOnHomeTimelineOptions();
options.ExcludeReplies = false;
options.Count = intTotalRec;
var lstTwitterStatus = service.ListTweetsOnHomeTimeline(options);