Assume that I have a code that runs on 384 MPI processes (24 compute nodes with 16 cores per compute node) and use the following simple script to submit my job to a job queue
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l nodes=24:ppn=16
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
module load openmpi
mpirun mycode > output_file
Is the following scenario possible: I need to assign one more node with 16 cores to do some specific calculations using 'openmp' and updates the rest of the 384 processes at some point with the results of the computations. So now I have 384 MPI processes with one thread running sequentially on each and one MPI process with 16 openmp threads.
Is it possible to accomplish this by OMP_NUM_THREADS and mpirun or any other tools?
I appreciate any suggestions
Thank you