
I need help because I want to create a gameover screen that display score. However, there's an error that prevent me from transferring the score from theplayclass.as to thegameoverclass.as. Are there ways to pass a value to another movieclip without causing any errors.

I refer the source code from this website : http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2008/12/17/designing-the-structure-of-a-flash-game-as3-version/

Here's the error

C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\Migrate\test\theplayclass.as, Line 54, Column 41 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type theplayclass to an unrelated type main.



 import flash.display.MovieClip;
 import flash.events.Event;

public class main extends MovieClip
    public var playClass:theplayclass;
    public var gameOverClass:thegameoverclass;

    public function main() 


    public function showWin()
        playClass = new theplayclass(this);

    public function showGameOver()
        gameOverClass = new thegameoverclass(this);

        playClass = null;


import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;

public class theplayclass extends MovieClip 
    private var mainClass:main;
    var gameScore:Number;
    var gameOverScore:thegameoverclass;

    public function theplayclass(passedClass:main)
        mainClass = passedClass;

        scoreText.text ="0";

        gameScore = 0;

        win.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showwinFunction);
        next.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showgameoverFunction);

        addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addToStage);
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, changeScore);


    public function addToStage(e:Event):void
        this.x = 0;
        this.y = 0;

    private function showwinFunction(e:MouseEvent):void

    private function changeScore(e:Event):void
        scoreText.text =""+gameScore;

    public function showgameoverFunction(e:MouseEvent)

        gameOverScore = new thegameoverclass(this);




import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.*;

public class thegameoverclass extends MovieClip 
    var mainClass:main;
    var scorePoints:Number;

    public function thegameoverclass(passedClass:main) 
        mainClass = passedClass;
        finalScore.text = "test";

    public function setTextScore(textToSet:Number)
        finalScore.text = ""+scorePoints;


The thegameoverclass 's mainClass isn't been used, why not remove it? Or the theplayclass contains a variable mainClass, do you want to use that for the thegameover constructor?Pan
@Pan I want to use thegameoverclass constructor. The variable mainClass under theplayclass can't be removed because I need to pass a method from main to theplayclass. Anyway, after I have removed the mainClass from thegameoverclass and remove all the arguments inside thegameoverclass and theplayerclass, I have error #1009, saying it cannot access property or method of a null object reference.Minelava
Pan sort of pointed out the cause of the original error, but to make it clear: In the PlayerClass you show the game over screen with this: gameOverScore = new thegameoverclass(this); but it should be this: gameOverScore = new thegameoverclass(mainClass);. The error is stating it can't convert your PlayerClass into the Main class.Sunil D.
@SunilD. Thanks it helped! Now the next challenge is how do you put the make sure thegameoverclass shows the score from theplayerclass because when I play the movieclip, it shows me NaN at the gameover scene.Minelava

1 Answers


Regarding your latest issue (seeing NaN for the score on the game over screen), look at what your code is doing when the game ends:

  • the Player class calls Main.showGameOver()
  • Player class makes a new game over screen
  • Player class sets the final score on the new game over screen

In Main.showGameOver():

  • you make a new game over screen and add it to the stage, but this is now a different game over screen than the one in your Player class
  • this new game over screen never had the final score set (and therefore the score is NaN)

One way to address this:

  • Remove all references to the game over screen from your Player class
  • Modify the showGameOver() method in main so that it accepts the score
  • Modify the Player class so that is passes the final score using Main.showGameOver()
  • Modify the showGameOver() method in Main so that it sets the score on game over screen

Your modified code might look like this:

Player class:

public function showgameoverFunction(e:MouseEvent)

Main class:

public function showGameOver(finalScore:String)
    gameOverClass = new thegameoverclass(this);
    playClass = null;