I have a matrix of factors in R and want to convert it to a matrix of dummy variables 0-1 for all possible levels of each factors.
However this "dummy" matrix is very large (91690x16593) and very sparse. I need to store it in a sparse matrix, otherwise it does not fit in my 12GB of ram.
Currently, I am using the following code and it works very fine and takes seconds:
X_factors <- data.frame(lapply(my_matrix, as.factor))
#encode factor data in a sparse matrix
X <- sparse.model.matrix(~.-1, data = X_factors)
However, I want to use the e1071 package in R, and eventually save this matrix to libsvm format with write.matrix.csr()
, so first I need to convert my sparse matrix to the SparseM format.
I tried to do:
X2 <- as.matrix.csr(X)
but it very quickly fills my RAM and eventually R crashes. I suspect that internally, as.matrix.csr
first converts the sparse matrix to a dense matrix that does not fit in my computer memory.
My other alternative would be to create my sparse matrix directly in the SparseM format.
I tried as.matrix.csr(X_factors)
but it does not accept a data-frame of factors.
Is there an equivalent to sparse.model.matrix(~.-1, data = X_factors)
in the SparseM package? I searched in the documentation but I did not find.