
I've been looking at the new message pump available with version 2.0 of the azure service bus. In particular, I'm using topics and subscriptions (and not the queues).

I can get the message pump to work with a non-session subscription and it raises the Message event whenever a brokeredMessage is available. However, when I try to use a subscription that requires a session, I get the following error...

InvalidOperationException: It is not possible for an entity that requires sessions to create a non-sessionful message receiver

Does anyone have a way to use the new OnMessage event with a subscription that requires a session?

So, do you set the RequiredSession as true or false when you're creating your subscriptions?dqm
I set RequiredSession = true when creating the subscriptionyamspog

1 Answers


This feature is not yet available, we are working on adding support for OnMessage API on the MessageSession class and that will show up in a future SDK release. We will however add OnMessage support to the MessageReciever class in this SDK update.