i want to implement SignalR in a silverlight LOB application (using caliburn micro). The client is composed of many modules dynamicaly loaded by the user.
in a module i can have many active viewmodel, each of them can need to access to different hub.
I did read all the documentations about SignalR (http://www.asp.net/signalr/overview/hubs-api/hubs-api-guide-net-client) but i am still confused about how to use signalr when it's not a single page application.
i understood i can have only one connection in my application so i need to create it in my bootstrapper. i created a service to hold a hubconnection singleton. since i need to create the proxies before to call start() i get from my server the list of all the known hub and create a proxy for each of them. proxies are then stored in a dictionnary to be able to give them to any viewmodel. VM will the share the same proxy instance, is this a problem ?
is this,the way to use signalr in a NO single page application ?
i am not sure of my application design with signalr, so if anyone can share his/her experience about it i will be gratefull