The most common case types:
Camel case
Snake case
Kebab case
Pascal case
Upper case (with snake case)
camelCase must (1) start with a lowercase letter and (2) the first letter of every new subsequent word has its first letter capitalized and is compounded with the previous word.
An example of camel case of the variable camel case var
is camelCaseVar
snake_case is as simple as replacing all spaces with a "_" and lowercasing all the words. It's possible to snake_case and mix camelCase and PascalCase but imo, that ultimately defeats the purpose.
An example of snake case of the variable snake case var
is snake_case_var
kebab-case is as simple as replacing all spaces with a "-" and lowercasing all the words. It's possible to kebab-case and mix camelCase and PascalCase but that ultimately defeats the purpose.
An example of kebab case of the variable kebab case var
is kebab-case-var
PascalCase has every word starts with an uppercase letter (unlike camelCase in that the first word starts with a lowercase letter).
An example of pascal case of the variable pascal case var
is PascalCaseVar
Note: It's common to see this confused for camel case, but it's a separate case type altogether.
UPPER_CASE_SNAKE_CASE is replacing all the spaces with a "_" and converting all the letters to capitals.
an example of upper case snake case of the variable upper case snake case var
) between words resembles the skewer, and the words resemble to the meat and vegetables on the shish-kebab skewer. – Brian Zelip