Hope someone can help me out!
I have a question about logstash. I grok the following date with succes: 26/Jun/2013:14:00:26 +0200
Next, I want this date to be used as the @timestamp of the event. As you know logstash automatically adds a timestamp.
Replacing the timestamp that logstash is adding can be done by the date filter. I have added the following date filter: match => [ "date", "dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z"]
But, for some reason, that doesn't work. When I test it out, I see that logstash just adds his own timestamp.
grok {
type => "log-date"
pattern => "%{HTTPDATE:date}"
type => "log-date"
match => [ "date", "dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z"]
I need to do this, so I can add events to elasticsearch.
Thanks in advance!