I am creating a Add-in for word 2007 Using VSTO2008 with Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word assembly .In the active document,I
have 3 paragraphs and
each paragraphs contain no of lists(Bulleted list).I Want to count the total list with in each paragraph(Not entire
document).for this I was used following
code but not get the right output.
Word.Document dc = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument;
int count = dc.ListParagraphs.Count;
//getting all bulleted list total within the document,but i want only within the
int count=dc.lists.count;
int count = dc.Paragraphs[1].Range.ListParagraphs.Count;
//Getting Zero value in count variable
I need to replace text of last but one row/item of bulleted list.
How do I get how many bulleted rows or lines or numbered list items are in a particular bulleted list ? Also need to access
the individual row/line of a selected bullted list. Since we want to code to replace particular text of a last but one row of
bullted list.