There are 2 models Product
and Variant
where a Product
hasMany Variant
and a Variant
belongsTo Product
. Both models also contain many other relationships.
Question: How can you use Eloquent to select all Variants ->where('color','red')
and also its related Product
must satisfy ->where('price', '>' '50')
? All the relationships of Variant in the returned resultset must be retained.
When a join
is used on the Eloquent model, all relationships are lost except for the products
which was joined. Eg: $variant->product->id
works but not $variant->someOtherModel->id
$variants =Variants::where('color', 'red')
->join('products', 'variants.product_id', '=', '')
->where('product.price', '>', 10)
foreach($variants as $variant) {
echo $variant->product->id; //works
echo $variant->someOtherModel->id; // error, undefined function
How do you maintain all of $variant
's relationship?
clause appears to be chained using OR
rather than AND
! This is crazy!
$variants = Variant::where('color', 'red')
->with(array('Product' => function($query) {
if(Input::get('price') $query->where('price', '>', 10);
if(Input::get('brand') $query->where('brand', Input::get('brand'));