
I am learning Doctrine 2 ODM for MongoDB and have a straight forward question that i cant find an answer to in Doctrines docs or on google.

Say i have the following two documents in the same collection

{ "_id" : ObjectId("51c8a962f6d6ace76b374219"), 
"X" : 26, 
"Name" : "some name", 
"Level" : "Common"
"_id" : ObjectId("51c8a9bef6d6ace76b37421a"), 
"Y" : 1, 
"Name" : "Other name", 
"Level" : "Common"

I know i can find all documents that have Level : Common using

$dm->getRepository('Search\Model')->findBy(array("Level" => "Common"));

But how can i find all documents where field type is "X" and not "Y"? I know i could return all and filter it out but i should be able to query this right? Because the fields types X and Y are different should they be in a separate collection?

I've also tried various queries using query builder as in the Doctrine docs but no luck.

I really want to be able to return all documents in that collection that are only "X".

Many thanks


1 Answers


You can use negation operators here:

$dm->getRepository('Search\Model')->findBy(array("X" => 26, "Y" => array('$ne'=>1)));