Sorry for the bother but I'm trying to lazy load several imageViews and then resize it proportionately to the content in a UITableView. I'm also trying (Unwisely perhaps?) to use Autolayout basically for the first time. And I'm not understanding why the constraints aren't working in this case. Here's the code that I'm using to resize the UIImageView after I've loaded the proper image into it.
// Scale the image view and return it.
- (UIImageView *) scaleImageViewForScreenWidth:(UIImageView *)imageView {
UIImage *imgFromView = [imageView image];
CGRect newFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, imgFromView.size.width, imgFromView.size.height);
float imgFactor = newFrame.size.height / newFrame.size.width;
newFrame.size.width = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.width;
newFrame.size.height = newFrame.size.width * imgFactor;
[imageView setFrame:newFrame];
return imageView;
As far as constraints are concerned. I'm trying to attach a Label and UIImageView with a shadow to the bottom of the main imageview. Here are the constraints that I'm applying to a bottom shadow in the imageview. The bottom shadow constraints are:
Height Equals: 83
Align Bottom to: Background Image View
LeadingSpace to: Table View Cell
I'm not getting what I want though. Any ideas? I feel like I'm fighting autolayout.