The concept you are looking for is a Reentrant lock. You need to be able to try to acquire the lock and not get blocked if the lock is already taken (this is known as reentrant lock). There is a native implementation of a reentrant lock in java so I will illustrate this example in Java. (
Because when using tryLock() you don't get blocked if the lock is not available your writer/reader can proceed. However, you only want to release the lock when you're sure that no one is reading/writing anymore, so you will need to keep the count of readers and writers. You will either need to synchronize this counter or use a native atomicInteger that allows atomic increment/decrement. For this example I used atomic integer.
Class ReadAndWrite {
private ReentrantLock readLock;
private ReentrantLock writeLock;
private AtomicInteger readers;
private AtomicInteger writers;
private File file;
public void write() {
if (!writeLock.isLocked()) {
writers.incrementAndGet(); // Increment the number of current writers
// ***** Write your stuff *****
writers.decrementAndGet(); // Decrement the number of current writers
if (readLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
while(writers != 0); // Wait until all writers are finished to release the lock
} else {
public void read() {
if (!readLock.isLocked()) {
// ***** read your stuff *****
readers.decrementAndGet(); // Decrement the number of current read
if (writeLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
while(readers != 0); // Wait until all writers are finished to release the lock
} else {
What's happening here: First you check if your lock is locked to know if you can perform the action you're going to perform. If it's locked it means you can't read or write so you use lock to put yourself in wait state and re-call the same action when the lock is freed again.
If it's not locked, then you lock the other action (if you're going to read you lock writes and vice-versa) using tryLock. tryLock doesn't block if it's already locked, so several writers can write at the same time and several readers can read at the same time. When the number of threads doing the same thing as you reaches 0 it means that whoever held the lock in the first place can now release it. The only inconvenience with this solution is that the thread that holds the lock will have to stay alive until everyone is finished to be able to release it.