This is just my opinion, but I think the process is a bit more complex. Basically Matlab is an optimized layer of C, so with the appropriate initialization of matrices and minimization of function calls (avoid "." objects-like operators in Matlab) you obtain extremely different results. Consider the simple following example of wave generator with cosine function. Matlab time = 0.15 secs in practical debug session, Python time = 25 secs in practical debug session (Spyder), thus Python becomes 166x slower. Run directly by Python 3.7.4. machine the time is = 5 secs aprox, so still be a non negligible 33x.
AW(1,:) = [800 , 0 ]; % [amp frec]
AW(2,:) = [300 , 4E-07];
AW(3,:) = [200 , 1E-06];
AW(4,:) = [ 50 , 4E-06];
AW(5,:) = [ 30 , 9E-06];
AW(6,:) = [ 20 , 3E-05];
AW(7,:) = [ 10 , 4E-05];
AW(8,:) = [ 9 , 5E-04];
AW(9,:) = [ 7 , 7E-04];
AW(10,:)= [ 5 , 8E-03];
phas = 0
tini = -2*365 *86400; % 2 years backwards in seconds
dt = 200; % step, 200 seconds
tfin = 0; % present
vec_t = ( tini: dt: tfin)'; % vector_time
nt = length(vec_t);
vec_t = vec_t - phas;
wave = zeros(nt,1);
for it = 1:nt
suma = 0;
t = vec_t(it,1);
for iW = 1:size(AW,1)
suma = suma + AW(iW,1)*cos(AW(iW,2)*t);
wave(it,1) = suma;
import numpy as np
AW = np.zeros((10,2))
AW[0,:] = [800 , 0.0]
AW[1,:] = [300 , 4E-07];
AW[2,:] = [200 , 1E-06];
AW[3,:] = [ 50 , 4E-06];
AW[4,:] = [ 30 , 9E-06];
AW[5,:] = [ 20 , 3E-05];
AW[6,:] = [ 10 , 4E-05];
AW[7,:] = [ 9 , 5E-04];
AW[8,:] = [ 7 , 7E-04];
AW[9,:] = [ 5 , 8E-03];
phas = 0
tini = -2*365 *86400
dt = 200
tfin = 0
nt = round((tfin-tini)/dt) + 1
vec_t = np.linspace(tini,tfin1,nt) - phas
wave = np.zeros((nt))
for it in range(nt):
suma = 0
t = vec_t[fil]
for iW in range(np.size(AW,0)):
suma = suma + AW[iW,0]*np.cos(AW[iW,1]*t)
wave[it] = suma
To deal such aspects in Python I would suggest to compile into executable directly to binary the numerical parts that may compromise the project (or for example C or Fortran into executable and be called by Python afterwards). Of course, other suggestions are appreciated.
t = t+1
then it would change. – slbasspython -m timeit
shows that usingpass
is a bit slower thancontinue
, but not in a significant way. On my machine the loops take 16 msec, which is less than half of what the OP claims. Also note that MATLAB has a JIT, hence such differences are to be expected especially with simple loops. – Bakuriu