When user clicks AddDate in my event planning app, I add a row as seen below so user can add a date and start/end time, and AM/PM.
But in my form using nested attributes, it seems my select controls need a reference to the model field they set (:start_time and :end_time). But the start and end times are create from TWO select controls, one for the hours and one for the minutes. So I'm not sure how the values chosen in the two selects will be combined to form the start and end times.
<div class="user_event_inline_container margin_left_ten padding_right_gone">
<%= f.label :start_time, "Start", class: 'info_inline_control info_label five_margin_right' %>
<%= f.select :start_time, options_for_select([['1',1],['2',2],['3',3],['4',4],['5',5],['6',6],['7',7],['8',8],['9',9],['10',10],['11',11],['12',12]]), class: (field_class(@user_event, :start_time) + 'info_inline_control') %>
<%= f.select :start_time, options_for_select([['00',1],['15',2],['30',3],['45',4]]), class: (field_class(@user_event, :start_time) + 'info_inline_control') %>
<%= f.select :start_am_pm, options_for_select([['am',1],['pm',2]]), class: (field_class(@user_event, :start_am_pm) + 'info_inline_control') %>
<div class="user_event_inline_container margin_left_ten padding_right_gone">
<%= f.label :end_time, "End", class: 'info_inline_control info_label five_margin_right' %>
<%= f.select :end_time, options_for_select([['1',1],['2',2],['3',3],['4',4],['5',5],['6',6],['7',7],['8',8],['9',9],['10',10],['11',11],['12',12]]), class: (field_class(@user_event, :end_time) + 'info_inline_control') %>
<%= f.select :end_time, options_for_select([['00',1],['15',2],['30',3],['45',4]]), class: (field_class(@user_event, :end_time) + 'info_inline_control') %>
<%= f.select :end_am_pm, options_for_select([['am',1],['pm',2]]), class: (field_class(@user_event, :end_am_pm) + 'info_inline_control') %>