In Excel 2010 I have a VBA function which searches a worksheet and finds a match based on three values. Once it finds the match it returns a range which is an entire row of data. Now in my Excel worksheet in one cell I call that function. Using a formula can I split that range into individual cells. It would basically be like find the row and then copy paste the cells starting at the calling cell. The only thing I can think of is to save the range in a cell
A1 = {my range}
and then each cell after that use an INDEX function like
A2 = INDEX(A1, 1,1)
A3 = INDEX(A1, 1,2)
A4 = INDEX(A1, 1,3)
Looking for any suggestions. I could have sworn there was a non-VBA function that I could use that would split out a range into individual cells.
Edit with an example: In my main worksheet I have tons of data and some of it has errors. Those with errors I look up in another worksheet.
main worksheet
status, height, width, weight, sheet, m, d, z, e
ok, 1, 2, 5, , 100, 5, 7, 5
err, 1, 2, 6, TEMPA
err, 1, 2, 7, TEMPA
ok, 1, 2, 8, , 102, 7, 9, 8
ok, 1, 2, 9, , 104, 8, 7, 0
the combo of height, width, and weight are unique. the helper woksheets are the same as the main but will have the data that is missing.
ok, 1, 2, 6, , 25, 66, 0, 1
ok, 1, 2, 7, , 99, 7, 2, 6
So in essence I want to join the two on height, width, and weight but only for those that have an error. The name of the helper worksheet will vary but that is pre-calculated. I have the code written to take the three unique conditions, go to the helper worksheet, make a match and then return the range object consisting of the matching row.
function GetMyRange(h, wd, wt, sht) as Range
'do the match here
end function
The function works as I can setup some debug statements and I'm making the correct matches. However back in the main worksheet how do i take my range object and put the individual elements of the range object into each cell to "fix" the errors?