I have a problem to ajax update an ui:repeat. The update is triggered from a commandButton outside the ui:repeat (see the code below). The variable priceHour is required to calculate the other prices (week, Monat..)
<h:form id="myForm">
<ui:repeat id="alvs" var="alv" value="#{myBean.allV}" >
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{alv.status == 'ON'}" >
<div class="pricing">
<h:outputText styleClass="bold" value="#{alv.shortName}: "/>
<p:inputText value="#{alv.priceHour}" id="hour" required="true" >
<f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" />
<p:inputText value="#{alv.priceDay}" id="day" >
<f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" />
<p:inputText value="#{alv.priceWeek}" id="week" >
<f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" />
<p:inputText value="#{alv.priceMonth}" id="month" >
<f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" type="currency" />
<p:messages />
<p:commandButton value="Calculator" actionListener="#{myBean.priceCalc}" process="@this,alvs:hour" update="alvs" />
</h:form >
When I click the button nothing happens and the ui:repeat and the prices are not updated. What is wrong?
I tried also update"myForm:alvs", update":myForm:alvs": nothing!
I'm using primefaces 3.5
Thanks in advance
itself, you can update theh:form
instead. – Alexandre Lavoieh:form
. – codyLineh:panelGroup
... – Alexandre Lavoie