We use Jenkins and PowerShell to do a lot of automation within our organization. It is great for deployments, scheduled tasks, restarting services, recycling IIS app pools, etc. Now I'd like to use to restart our console applications that run on Windows servers.
The exe console applications will launch a GUI that must remain running in the users console session on the server. Services are much easier to control and this methodology requires us to always have an active session to run which we monitor via RDP, but it is too late to argue with the developers who architected the system.
Jenkins is running as a service and when I start an exe, i.e. with
& 'C:\gui.exe'
it starts the process in task manager, but does not launch the GUI in the session so I can see it. Jenkins will report an error:
Process leaked file descriptors. See http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Spawning+processes+from+build for more information
but the page does not explain how to target a particular console session and launch a visible GUI. Am I missing something? Help appreciated...