
I'm working through a ANTLR to generate AST for Java code using Java grammar and i used the command line to compile the files, and i got these problems:

when I used the antlrworks-1-1.4.3.jar with this Java.g, and when compiling the files with javac, I got 1 error , which is

JavaParser.java:24631: illegal start of expression
        void  =null;
        ^ 1 error

I have tried using antlrworks-1.5.jar and antlr-1.3.jar, and in both I got 100 errors

I'm using mac 10.6.8 and Java 1.6_37. Can please someone tell How I can solve this?


1 Answers


This issue was resolved in the ANTLR 3.5 release (included with ANTLRWorks 1.5). ANTLRWorks 1.5 has a separate bug which has since been fixed that will cause compiler errors if you try to generate grammars with the -debug flag, but should work fine for normal use.