
I've got an ember.js app set up, I'm using ember.js 1.0.0-rc4 and ember-data 0.13, I'm trying to get konacha setup with mocha.js similar to this https://github.com/dgeb/ember_data_example.

My spec_helper.js

//= require konacha_config
//= require_tree ./templates
//= require application_test
//= require sinon
//= require spec_utils

// Sinon fake server
var server;

// Stub out Konacha.reset()
Konacha.reset = Ember.K;

// Prevent automatic scheduling of runloops. For tests, we
// want to have complete control of runloops.
Ember.testing = true;

// Defer App readiness (it will be advanced in each test below)

// Prevent the router from manipulating the browser's URL.
App.Router.reopen({location: 'none'});

beforeEach(function(done) {
  // Fake XHR
  server = sinon.fakeServer.create();

  Ember.run(function() {

    // Advance Contagion readiness, which was deferred above.

    // Setup is complete when the Contagion readiness promise resolves
    App.then(function() {

afterEach(function() {
  // Reset App state

  // Restore XHR

The specs that I have are running and passing but in the chrome console, I'm seeing stuff like

x GET http://localhost:3500/posts 404 (Not Found)
x GET http://localhost:3500/comments 404 (Not Found)

Why isn't the sinon fake server stubing out these requests?

Ive tried things like

server.respondWith("GET", "/comments",
  [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
   '{"commemnts":[{"id":1,"text":"Comment 1"},{"id":2,"text":"Comment 2"}]}'

With variations on the url of "/comments.json", "http://localhost:3500/comments and "http://localhost:3500/comments.json

Nothing seems to work.

I'm also tried stubbing out the find method with sinon.stub(App.Comments,"find") but but I still see the 404 errors.

Any idea what's going wrong or the correct way to mock/stub out these requests and return meaningful json?


When I set server.autoRespond = true I get

Uncaught Error: Fake XHR onreadystatechange handler threw exception: assertion failed: You have turned on testing mode, which disabled the run-loop's autorun. You will need to wrap any code with asynchronous side-effects in an Ember.run.

This happens even when everything is wrapped in an Ember.run.

Adding server.respond() to the afterEach function Results in the same Fake XHR onreadystatechange error.



To the afterEach function gets me back to square 1 with the 404 errors

I can see you wrapping your test code in Em.run but what about whatever's performing those GETs (App.advanceReadiness()?)?Bluu
Have you ever figured this out?Mawaheb

1 Answers


You have ether set the server to auto respond server.autoRespond = true; or trigger server respond with server.respond();. Otherwise the server get the request but dont do anything.