Google says about this meta tag:
The following important restrictions apply:
- The meta tag may only appear in pages without hash fragments.
- Only "!" may appear in the content field.
- The meta tag must appear in the head of the document.
I'm aware that it is only needed for pages that do not contain a hashbang but still should be served with a snapshot. But that is usually just the home page.
Let's say we have:!/jobs
The second one will be fetched as:
just because of the hashbang.
But the root page has no hashbang so it needs to have this special meta tag in the head.
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
But since all my single page application uses the same <head>
so far I wonder if it's actually harmful to keep the meta tag in for all the other pages that do contain a hashbang.
What will actually happen?