
I have a Java Application that connects to an SQL server database via JDBC driver and everything works fine. I have lately migrated my Database to the Azure SQL server and so the Java application. Of course, I modifided the connction string to point at this new adress, but I keep getting this next error:

Connection TCP/IP of the HTTP xxxxxxx.database.windows.net, port 1433: ERROR : connection time out. verify connexion properties, make sure an instance of SQL server is running and accepts TCP/IP connections and verify that Firewall is not blocking TCP connexion.

here is my connection sring:


What is missing right there ?


1 Answers


Have you allowed access to the database server from that particular IP address?

If not, go to the management portal

  • select the database
  • on the bottom right, select the server
  • go to the configure tab
  • enter the ip address (or range of them)