
Today I wanted to investigate if it is possible to construct a data type in such a way, that it does not store the data of the type of its type signature, but another representation of it. So, here is my attempt of an GADT which has a type constructor of type a, but a data constructor of type ByteString.

import Data.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Serialize

data Serialized a where
    MkSerialized :: (Serialize a) => ByteString -> Serialized a

Now I can define a decode' function in the following way:

decode' :: (Serialize a) => Serialized a -> a
decode' (MkSerialized bs) = let Right r = (decode bs) in r

And it works:

let s = MkSerialized (encode "test") :: Serialized String
print $ decode' s     -- prints "test"

My problem is now that I'd like Serialized to be an instance of Functor.

instance Functor Serialized where
    fmap f (MkSerialized bs) = MkSerialized (encode (f (right (decode bs))))
                               where right (Right r) = r

But I get the error (Serialize b) can not be deduced. How can I constraint the Functor instance so that Serialize is enforced in the fmap?

You can't. Functor doesn't allow constraints on the type parameters to be required. There's a restricted functor class, RFunctor in the rmonad package. Maybe you can use that.Daniel Fischer
This isn't related to your question -- this is indeed not possible with Functor -- but I feel obligated to mention: Please don't use Data.ByteString.Char8 by default! It's a broken module that encourages broken code. There are some uses for it sometimes, but your code works just as well with Data.ByteString, which doesn't encourage misunderstandings of Unicode.shachaf
For what it's worth, you can make a CoYoneda-style data type like data Serialized a where MkSerialized :: Serialize x => ByteString -> (x -> a) -> Serialized a which stores a ByteString and a post-deserialization function, and which does have a Functor instance. But of course that defeats the purpose here.shachaf
This is closely related to the subject of Sculthorpe et al.'s paper "The Constrained-Monad Problem".user824425
I haven't thrown this onto Hackage yet, but the Summit library has a Mappable class which can be constrained on the Functor's parameter types, as well as on the Functor type itself.bfops

1 Answers


You can do this using a CoYoneda functor.

The idea is simple: have an additional functional field where you accumulate your fmaping functions. When you decode your value, then apply that function.

Here's the code:

import Data.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Serialize

data Serialized a where
      :: (Serialize a)
      => ByteString -> (a -> b) -> Serialized b

decode' :: Serialized a -> a
decode' (MkSerialized bs f) = let Right r = decode bs in f r

instance Functor Serialized where
    fmap f (MkSerialized bs g) = MkSerialized bs (f . g)

This also has the benefit of automatically fusing multiple fmaps instead of repeated decodings and encodings, as would be in your case.