
WL 5.0.6, HTTP adapter, running on Liberty

We want to make simple connection from our adpater to a backend over SSL, the backend team have provided us their certificate.

Our symptom is

FWLSE0101E: Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated

We have read the infocenter here but clearly have got something wrong. Steps we took

  1. Used the JRE keystore tool to add the cert to a keystore.
  2. Adjusted the worklight properties to point to the kaystore.
  3. Restarted the WL Server

Any suggestions for how to diagnose or fix?

Did you ever figure this out? We're having the same problem.ldeluca
our issues were with our certificate, the hosts were not in our DNS server so we added entries to etc/hosts. I don't have the complete recipe we used I'm afraid.djna
Can you please write this as an answer?Idan Adar

1 Answers


The issue in this case was that the certificate referenced hosts that were not visible to our DNS server. We worked around this by adding entries to /etc/hosts.