I have a prolog planner which works correctly with one major problem of only generating one plan at the time. The plan is correct but for my application I really need to have all the possible plans.
plan(State, Goal, _, Moves) :- subsetB(Goal,State),
write('moves are'), nl,
plan(State, Goal, Been_list, Moves) :-
effects(Name, [Preconditions, Add,Delete]), //a list of of rules governing the domain
conditions_met(Preconditions, State), //checks if all preconditions are present in the state
change_state(State, Add,Delete, Child_state), //add predicates from Add list, removes predicates in the Delete list and stores result in Child_state
\+(member_state(Child_state, Been_list)), //checks if Child_state hasn't been previously visited
stack(Child_state, Been_list, New_been_list),
stack(Name, Moves, New_moves),
plan(Child_state, Goal, New_been_list, New_moves).
change_state(S, [],[], S).
change_state(S, [], Delete, S_new) :- change_state(S, [],[], S2),
apply_del(Delete, S2, S_new).
change_state(S, Add,Delete, S_new) :- change_state(S, [], Delete, S2),
apply_add(Add, S2, S_new).
apply_add([activate(App)|Rest],State,InterimState) :-apply_add(Rest,State,S2),find_stones(App,State,StonesToBeActivated), make_active(StonesToBeActivated,S2, InterimState).
apply_add([First|Rest],State,InterimState) :- apply_add(Rest,State,S2),add_element(First, S2, InterimState).
apply_del([First|Rest],InterimState,NewState) :- apply_del(Rest, InterimState,S2),del_element(First, S2, NewState).
subsetB([F|R],S) :- member(F,S),subsetB(R,S).
%dropping a stone inside app1
effects(drop(X,app1), %action
[[stone(X),active(X)], %preconditions
[in(app1,X)], %postconditions : add list
[active(X)]]). %postconditions : delete list
go(S,G,AllPlans):- findall(Moves, plan(S,G,[S],Moves),AllMoves).
conditions_met(P, S) :- subsetB(P, S).
Sample call go([in(app1,s1), stone(s2), active(s2),stone(s3),active(s3)],[in(app1,s1),in(app1,s3),in(app1,s2)],AllPlans).
drop(s2,app1) drop(s3,app1) //correct _2368 _2366 _2364 _2362 _2360 _2358 _2356 _2354 _2352 _2350 _2348 _2346 _2344 _2342 _2340 _2338 _2336 etc... infinitely
truncates prematurely with a$
. Copy paste error? – lurkerconditions_met
– user1812457