As you know, you MUST provide the correct database name, username, and password for the database in the config/database.yml file, or your Rails app will refuse to work.
In the default setup, your password is in plain text in the config/database.yml file. If your app is on a free GitHub repository, then your password is public information. This is not a viable option for a serious app. (It's OK for a tutorial exercise, provided that you don't use this password for anything else.)
I have a solution that has worked for me so far, but I'm wondering if there is something better. You can see my deployed example at .
What I do is set up the config/database.yml file to provide the username and password for the development environment programatically. For the development environment, I add commands to the config/database.yml script to acquire the development environment username (which is my regular username for the Debian Linux setup I use) and a blank password. (I give my username Postgres superuser privileges.) For the production environment, I add a command in the deployment script that acquires the username and password from files elsewhere on my account and writes this information to the config/database.yml file.
Is there a better solution?
Is there a Ruby gem that covers this? If not, I'm thinking of creating one.