Bottom line: the semantics of Promela guarantee your desired behaviour, namely, that the receive-operation blocks until a message can be received.
From the receive man page
The first and the third form of the statement, written with a single
question mark, are executable if the first message in the channel
matches the pattern from the receive statement.
This tells you when a receive-operation is executable.
The semantics of Promela then tells you why executability matters:
As long as there are executable transitions (corresponding to the
basic statements of Promela), the semantics engine will select one of
them at random and execute it.
Granted, the quote doesn't make it very explicit, but it means that a statement that is currently not executable will block the executing process until it becomes executable.
Here is a small program that demonstrates the behaviour of the receive-operation.
chan ch = [1] of {byte};
/* Must be a buffered channel. A non-buffered, i.e., rendezvous channel,
* won't work, because it won't be possible to execute the atomic block
* around ch ! 0 atomically since sending over a rendezvous channel blocks
* as well.
short n = -1;
proctype sender() {
atomic {
ch ! 0;
n = n + 1;
proctype receiver() {
atomic {
ch ? 0;
n = -n;
init {
atomic {
run sender();
run receiver();
_nr_pr == 1;
assert n == 0;
/* Only true if both processes are executed and if sending happened
* before receiving.