As long as you can assume your lat/lon coordinates to form a rectangular grid (which should be a reasonable approximation on a city scale, although it will fail for larger areas or very precise data), you can assume your transformation between coordinates to be a projective transformation. See this post (or this one if you prefer to stay on SO) for details on how to compute the corresponding transformation matrix and use that to convert coordinates.
Based on this post I did a bit of computation with sage:
def pm1(a, b, c, d):
M = Matrix([a , b, c]).transpose()
f = M.adjoint() * d
return M*diagonal_matrix(f)
def pm(a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, d1, d2):
return pm1(a2, b2, c2, d2)*(pm1(a1, b1, c1, d1).adjoint())
P1 = vector(QQ, [0, 0, 1])
P2 = vector(QQ, [0, 1, 1])
P3 = vector(QQ, [1, 1, 1])
P4 = vector(QQ, [1, 0, 1])
Q1 = vector(QQ, [40698291, -74079051, 1000000]) # Upper left
Q2 = vector(QQ, [40659855, -73979638, 1000000]) # Lower left
Q3 = vector(QQ, [40855232, -73835582, 1000000]) # Lower right
Q4 = vector(QQ, [40882919, -73940263, 1000000]) # Upper right
M = pm(Q1, P1, Q2, P2, Q3, P3, Q4, P4)
The resulting formula reads like this:
z = 559.910562534*lat - 539.510073656*lon - 64123.7576703
x = (-5629.59680416*lat - 2176.56828347*lon + 67876.8560722)/z
y = ( 8466.61769096*lat - 11263.0392472*lon - 1178932.12938)/z
The resulting coordinates x
and y
are measuered from zero to one, where zero denotes the left resp. upper edge, and one the right resp. lower edge.
If the assumption of a rectangular grid is not enough, you'll need to know details about the projection used to create the map, so that you can relate map positions to spherical coordinates.