Following is the format for two sample variables from the codebook of US consumer expenditure survey (2011) p. 62.
FEDRFNDX During the past 12 months, what was the total amount of refund received from Federal income tax by ALL CU members?
FEDTAXX During the past 12 months, what was the total amount PAID for Federal income tax, in addition to that
withheld from earnings, by ALL CU members?
where CU means consumer unit (or household).The Stata datafile shows the following format for FEDRFNDX and FEDTAXX variables:
FEDRFNDX int %8.0g
FEDTAXX long %12.0g
My question is why the Stata format for these variables differs although they are both NUM(8) in the codebook and both do refer to the amount . As a end user of survey data, how can we be sure that we have the right format (for example, if we are just given the codebook like the one above say NUM(8) and starting position of variables plus the ascii data and not Stata data)?
I apologize if this question is too localized.