can someone explain me this?
sqlite> .schema LastFM
CREATE INDEX Hoerer_Index ON LastFM( Hoerer DESC );
sqlite> Explain SELECT * FROM LastFM ORDER BY Hoerer;
addr opcode p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
0 Trace 0 0 0 00
1 Noop 0 0 0 00
2 Goto 0 16 0 00
3 OpenRead 0 6 0 3 00
4 OpenRead 2 9 0 keyinfo(1, 00
5 Rewind 2 13 1 0 00
6 IdxRowid 2 1 0 00
7 Seek 0 1 0 00
8 IdxRowid 2 2 0 00
9 Column 0 1 3 00
10 Column 2 0 4 00
11 ResultRow 2 3 0 00
12 Next 2 6 0 00
13 Close 0 0 0 00
14 Close 2 0 0 00
15 Halt 0 0 0 00
16 Transactio 0 0 0 00
17 VerifyCook 0 4 0 00
18 TableLock 0 6 0 LastFM 00
19 Goto 0 3 0 00
sqlite> SELECT * FROM LastFM ORDER BY Hoerer;
id AlbumTitle Hoerer
---------- ------------ ----------
35 Live In Oslo 1
36 Kleine Welt 1
37 The Land Of 1
38 No Limit / R 1
39 Faust... In 1
40 Live At Last 1
41 2009-10-10: 1
42 Collectif Me 1
13 Bbc Sessions 128
14 From Glory T 128
3 So Far 1294
27 Schiphorst 2 15
28 Od Serca Do 15
12 Faust / So F 178
32 The Wumme Ye 2
33 The Faust Co 2
I have an table LastFm(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, AlbumTitle TEXT, Hoerer INTEGER) and filled it with data in python from an csv file:
reader = csv.reader(open(csvFileName, 'r'), delimiter=';') for row in reader: to_db = [] for col in row: to_db.append(unicode(col, "utf8")) cur.execute("INSERT INTO LastFM(AlbumTitle, Hoerer) VALUES (?, ?);", to_db) sqlConnection.commit()
But the "order by" functionality is not working properly. I ve already tried to create an Index on the column i wannt to order but it is also not workin.
Some hints?
– Johannes KuhnSELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = "LastFM" and type = "table"
? – Johannes Kuhn