i added the example from MDN of a menulist to an iframe inside a panel in my firefox extension,
<menuitem label="option 1" value="1"/>
<menuitem label="option 2" value="2"/>
<menuitem label="option 3" value="3"/>
<menuitem label="option 4" value="4"/>
but when i click it, the iframe reloads. Is there something that i have to do to make it stop reloading?
-- EDIT:
I created a simple xul file and put the above code and it works as expected, so the problem is in my surrounding code.
This is a panel with an iframe inside, that i open when i click a button:
<button id="bannerLeftOffers"
<panel id="offers-panel"
<hbox id="offers-panel-container" align="top">
<iframe id="offers-iframe" flex="1"/>
Whenever i click the menulist, the function "offer.start();" is called, but i don't have any other calls for that function, just on the panel onpopupshowing, so i guess that some event on the menulist might be triggering the reload, but i don't know what it is.