There are ways to change the default delimiter, as shown by other answers.
There are also ways to convert the raw output to csv with some bash scripting. There are 3 delimiters to consider though, not just \001. Things get a bit more complicated when your hive table has maps.
I wrote a bash script that can handle all 3 default delimiters (\001 \002 and \003) from hive and output a csv. The script and some more info are here:
Hive Default Delimiters to CSV
Hive's default delimiters are
Row Delimiter => Control-A ('\001')
Collection Item Delimiter => Control-B ('\002')
Map Key Delimiter => Control-C ('\003')
There are ways to change these delimiters when exporting tables but
sometimes you might still get stuck needing to convert this to csv.
Here's a quick bash script that can handle a DB export that's
segmented in multiple files and has the default delimiters. It will
output a single CSV file.
It is assumed that the segments all have the naming convention 000*_0
for f in $INDIRECTORY/000*_0; do
echo "Processing $f file..";
cat -v $f |
LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/^/\"/g" |
LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/\^A/\",\"/g" |
LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/\^C\^B/\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"/g" |
LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/\^B/\"\",\"\"/g" |
LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/\^C/\"\":\"\"/g" |
LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/$/\"/g" > $f-temp
echo "you,can,echo,your,header,here,if,you,like" > $INDIRECTORY/final_output.csv
cat $INDIRECTORY/*-temp >> $INDIRECTORY/final_output.csv
rm $INDIRECTORY/*-temp
More explanation on the gist