I am trying to model a cassandra data set for a time series where I capture the sum of bytes over a minute for a given user, using a counter column. Using CQL3 I have this create table syntax:
CREATE TABLE minute_usr (
min varchar,
usr varchar,
bytes counter,
PRIMARY KEY (min, usr)
I am able to update the column using this query:
UPDATE minute_usr SET bytes = bytes + 200 WHERE usr = 'testuser' AND min = '1369448220';
however I would like to now get back the value of 'bytes' for a range of minutes where usr = 'username':
select min, bytes from minute_usr WHERE usr = 'testuser' AND min >= '1369448160' and min <= '1369448220';
and I am getting back the error:
Bad Request: Only EQ and IN relation are supported on the partition key for random partitioners (unless you use the token() function)
I was under the assumption that CQL was creating a composite key out of 'min' and 'usr' when creating the table allowing me to get a range of composite keys. The cli is actually telling me that the key is actually just the value of 'min':
[default@data_use] list minute_usr;
Using default limit of 100
Using default column limit of 100
RowKey: 1369448220
=> (column=testuser:, value=, timestamp=1371066133370000)
=> (counter=testuser:bytes, value=1400)
RowKey: 1369448160
=> (column=testuser:, value=, timestamp=1371066138506000)
=> (counter=testuser:bytes, value=1600)
Am I simply limited to doing an individual query for each timestamp / username combination with this data model?
I have also tried modeling the data with the username as the first part of the key, which allows me to do range queries
CREATE TABLE usr_minute (
min varchar,
usr varchar,
bytes counter,
PRIMARY KEY (usr, min)
And then I could do a range query on the column names for minutes like so:
`select bytes from usr_minute WHERE usr = 'testuser' AND min >= '1369448160' and min <= '1369448220';`
however I know that these values are now being stored in a single row which has limitations in terms of number of columns that can be stored, and I would like to let this data set grow forever.
Not sure how to proceed.