
I have an IOS6 app, that connects to a REST API to fetch some data.

I use NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest in my data fetcher class, and I call its methods by GCD async pattern with blocks from my controller classes. So far so good.

My problem, that I change the API endpoint to https, its certificate is self-signed (I know its secure problems etc, but it is out of question for now).

By using sendSynchronousRequest I can't bypass this problem, because to bypass it, I need to set delegate for NSURLConnection, but in case of sendSynchronousRequest I cant' set delegate, delegate methods just called in case of async calls.

I don't like async request calling, I adore this GCD/sync call pattern very much, it works like a charm, it simple and clear.

So how can I make calls to a https api endpoint by GCD and , NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest that bypasses untrusted certificate problem?

Thanks to all!


1 Answers


You answered your question already yourself:

By using sendSynchronousRequest I can't bypass this problem, because to bypass it, I need to set delegate for NSURLConnection, but in case of sendSynchronousRequest I cant' set delegate, delegate methods just called in case of async calls.

You should really get used to the asynchronous style. The approach with a synchronous call within a dispatch_async call is suboptimal to say the least.

The method sendSynchronousRequest is for beginners and toy apps. IMHO, Apple should really deprecate this method and remove it in the next iOSs.

The method sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler: is for demonstration purposes, sample apps, prove of concept, and very simple requests not using authentication and https.

Finally, using the asynchronous style with implementing the delegates is for "serious" and release apps. Any serious app should use https when talking to a dedicated server, unless the server is public and does not support https.

Once your have switched to asynchronous style, there might be an answer to your actual question. However, there is no need to bypass a certificate - rather you will use the certificate as it is used in the release app.