
on my object, I have a link to 'product.product' as many2one field, in my object view, I registered product_id field:

class my_object(osv.osv):

    _columns = {

         'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product'),


<field context="{'group_by':'categ_id','search_default_filter_to_sell':1}" name="product_id" />

(Please take a look at 'product.product' search view at addons/products/product_view.xml)

when i select "Search More ..." option from dropdown, the tree view will just filtered by 'search_default_filter_to_sell' and group_by filter is not activated, I tried all available group_by filters from product.product search view and no thing happen.

all objects with search-view that have group_by filter has this issue when you link them with many2one relation.

is this a bug? or i did something wrong?

I'm using Openerp v7.0, windows7, firefox21.


2 Answers


You want default filter with two condition, in which one is group by 'categ_id' and second is 'to_sell':

First create filter for this condition :

        <record id="view_product_filter" model="ir.ui.view">
                <field context="{'group_by':'categ_id'}" domain="[('to_sell','=',True))]" name="product_id" />

and after call default filter in "ir.actions.act_window":

         <field name="search_view_id" ref="view_product_filter"/>
         <field name="context">{'search_default_product_id':1}}</field>

It will help u...

  1. I don't quite get your question, is product_id a simple many2one field or a many2one type relational field or a many2one type functional field? What "Search More ..." option did you select (a screenshot will be helpful)?

  2. Also, this is how I define a filter in OpenERP 7.0:

    <filter string="Wenshan" icon="terp-personal"
            domain="[]" context="{'group_by': 'wenshan_id'}"/>