I currently have several Rails applications running version 3.2.13 that use Ruby 1.9.3. I plan to eventually upgrade my current applications to Rails 4.0 then upgrade Ruby to 2.0. I need to time the conversion to Ruby 2.0 carefully since from my understanding Phusion Passenger will only handle one version of Ruby without some nose bleeding solutions which I do not plan to attempt to implement at this point.
I currently use one gemset for all my Rails applications. I would like to convert my Rails applications one by one from 3.2.13 to the current version of Rails 4.0 at some point. When I have tried to update one of my applications to a newer version of Rails I was told I had to do a update rails command.
What I want to do is to be able to run some of my applications using Rails 3.2.13 and others using Rails 4.0 until I am sure they will all run properly under Rails 4.0. Once I do this I will review the differences between Ruby 1.9.3 (if any) and upgrade all of them to use Rails 2.0. At this point I understand that I would just create the gemset for 2.0.0 or whatever the latest stable version of Ruby 2 is.
I have done web searches and checked the RVM website. I understand how the gemsets are assigned to the version of Ruby you want to run. However I'm not seeing anything about using gemsets with the same version of Ruby but using different versions of Rails or other combinations of gems on the same machine for different applications. Can this be done?
Any help would be appreciated.