i'm a super newbie in rails and i need to see a sample code on how to implement Single table iheritance, i have a model called Listing as a super class, and i have subclasses LawFirms and Paralegal, these all extend the Listing model, now i need to be able to create a new listing, but when i am creating i need the form to have an option to select either Law Firm or Paralegal, when Law Firm option is selected, it should show a form for creating a LawFirm object which is different from the Paralegal Object because a law firm has advocates and a paralegal wont have advocates.
So far my models look like this
class Listing < ActiveRecord::Base end
class LawFirm < Listing has_many :advocates end
class Paralegal < Listing end
How do i create the controller? and the form?