I have been on homework about audio signal processing. I have read some paper and am confused about a formula:. The formula is used to process a 44100Hz, 16 bit, single channel audio. The audio has been preprocessed and is sliced into 1024 width frames. The F(w)
is the FFT coefficients of each frame and w with - above
is half of the frame rate, 22050.
I have searched a lot, most important Analyze audio using Fast Fourier Transform. But I still can not understand it clearly. I have got the FFT coeffcients, with scipy and numpy, a 1024 width array. Then how do I perform the formula? Does it equal to the sum of 0 to 512 values of the array?
Hope anybody can help me. Thanks in advance.
is a equation. If it is, there is no need for me to come here. All the papers I read just tell me thatF(w)
is the FFT coefficients of each frame. @Marko – zhangyangyu