
I'm newbie in this area, and I would like to have an android app that can play my AcionScript game. My actonscript game consist of external sound and image.

How do I import my ActionScript file into flash builder?

Should I import my codes or my SWF file alone is enough? Where should I import my external files?

Thank you in advance!


1 Answers


There are numerous options, such as:

Flash Pro

If your game has already been created in Flash Pro, you could simply target AIR for Android from Flash Pro's publish settings:


ADT Command Line Packager

Likewise, you could simply use the ADT command line packager to build your SWF to an Android distributable.

Flash Builder

Otherwise from Flash Builder, you can create a new ActionScript mobile project:


Select Android, or other target platforms:


Place code and packages relative to the src/ folder, same as you would relative to your FLA:


Your entire Flash app could be published as a SWC, then instantiated from Flash Builder, or individual assets may be exported as SWCs:


Likewise you can programmatically embed SWF assets in ActionScript classes using the embed metadata tag:

[Embed(source="asset.swf", symbol="symbol")]
private var SymbolClass:Class;

var symbol:MovieClip = new SymbolClass();