
Has the BigQuery's datasets a maximum size (GB of inserted data)?

I don't find an answer for this in BigQuery documentation. The quota policy page talks about the maximum size of uploaded files and the max number of load jobs per day but not specify a maximum size per dataset or table.

I need know how much data I can upload to a datasets for an academic research.


How big is your project? Just wonderingFelipe Hoffa

1 Answers


"Unlimited" is a big word, but one of the strong points about BigQuery is you shouldn't be able to find the limit.

The daily limit is almost 10 petabytes per project per day. If you have more data than that, just keep pushing the next day, it should not break.


(Before doing a multi-terabyte import, it's a good idea to contact sales, to make sure there is physical capacity ready to handle the theoretical limits)