I have 3 Servers running NodeJs, and they are related each other with Redis (1 master, 2 slaves).
The issue i'm having is that running the system on a single server works fine, but when I scale it to 3 NodeJS servers, it starts missing messages and the system gets unstable.
My load balancer does not accept sticky sessions. So every time that the requests from the client arrives to it, they can go to a different server.
I'm pointing all the NodeJS servers to the Redis Master.
It looks like socket.io is storing information on each server and it is not being distributed with redis.
I'm using socket.io V9, I'm suspecting that I don't have any handshake code, could this be the reason?
My code to configure socket.io is:
var express = require('express');
var io = require('socket.io');
var redis = require('socket.io/node_modules/redis');
var RedisStore = require('socket.io/lib/stores/redis');
var pub = redis.createClient("a port", "an ip");
var sub = redis.createClient("a port", "an ip");
var client = redis.createClient("a port", "an ip");
var events = require('./modules/eventHandler');
exports.createServer = function createServer() {
var app = express();
var server = app.listen(80);
var socketIO = io.listen(server);
socketIO.configure(function () {
socketIO.set('store', new RedisStore({
redisPub: pub,
redisSub: sub,
redisClient: client
socketIO.set('resource', '/chat/socket.io');
socketIO.set('log level', 0);
socketIO.set('transports', [, 'htmlfile', 'xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling']);
// attach event handlers
// return server instance
return server;