
I need to import an ORACLE 9 DMP file into a newly installed Oracle 11g. I'm using the imp utility and using SYSMAN as the login. I get to the point to restore and am told 'only a DBA can import a file exported by another DBA'. When I try and use SYSDBA blank password does not work. When I use SQLPLUS / as SYSDBA and then try and assign a new password I'm told SYSDBA does not exist. If I try and log in as SYS I'm told to login as SYSDBA.

What do you mean by 'use SYSDBA blank password'? SYSDBA’ is a system privilege, not a user or role. It sounds like you need to run it as SYS` with the SYSDBA privilege. What does imp '/ as sysdba' ... do? Also, do you know what's in the file - make sure you're not importing anything that will conflict with your current DB, particulary if it was a full export and you're doing a full import.Alex Poole
What OS platform are you on? Did you try SYSTEM? Are you running on the DB server?Angelo Marcotullio

2 Answers


Try following syntax to use imp as sysdba:

imp \'sys/sys as sysdba\' file=/oracle/implog.dmp log=imp.log full=y

I used the syntax below:

imp userid='sys/password@host as sysdba' log=C:\dmp.log file=C:\dmp.dmp fromuser=userfrom touser=userto buffer=30720