I am trying to model check a simple Promela Model for the following LTL property:
ltl { M[0] U M[1] }
And I'm getting an error, guided simulation on the error trail yields the following output:
ltl ltl_0: (M[0]) U (M[1])
spin: couldn't find claim 2 (ignored)
0 :init ini M[0] = 1
Process Statement M[0] M[1]
0 :init ini M[1] = 0 1 0
Starting net with pid 2
0 :init ini run net() 1 0
spin: trail ends after 4 steps
#processes: 2
4: proc 1 (net) petri:11 (state 13)
4: proc 0 (:init:) petri:25 (state 5)
2 processes created
Exit-Status 0
Now I don't see where "M[0] until M[1]" is violated here. M[0] is set to 1 in the init process, and remains so, until M[1] becomes 1. And the trace ends so early, or I maybe I misunderstand the semantics of "stronguntil" entirely. I am quite confident that this is the case... but what am I doing wrong? Is specifying the LTL inside the Promela file ok?
The model in question is the following (a simple petri net):
#define nPlaces 2
#define nTransitions 2
#define inp1(x1) (x1>0) -> x1--
#define out1(x1) x1++
int M[nPlaces];
int T[nTransitions];
proctype net()
:: d_step{inp1(M[0])->T[0]++;out1(M[1]);skip}
:: d_step{inp1(M[1])->T[1]++;out1(M[0]);skip}
M[0] = 1;
M[1] = 0;
run net();
ltl { M[0] U M[1] }