
I am trying to model check a simple Promela Model for the following LTL property:

ltl { M[0] U M[1] }

And I'm getting an error, guided simulation on the error trail yields the following output:

ltl ltl_0: (M[0]) U (M[1])
spin: couldn't find claim 2 (ignored) 
0 :init ini M[0] = 1             
Process Statement                M[0]       M[1]       
0 :init ini M[1] = 0             1          0          
Starting net with pid 2
0 :init ini run net()            1          0          
spin: trail ends after 4 steps
#processes: 2
  4:    proc  1 (net) petri:11 (state 13)
  4:    proc  0 (:init:) petri:25 (state 5)
2 processes created
Exit-Status 0

Now I don't see where "M[0] until M[1]" is violated here. M[0] is set to 1 in the init process, and remains so, until M[1] becomes 1. And the trace ends so early, or I maybe I misunderstand the semantics of "stronguntil" entirely. I am quite confident that this is the case... but what am I doing wrong? Is specifying the LTL inside the Promela file ok?

The model in question is the following (a simple petri net):

#define nPlaces 2
#define nTransitions 2
#define inp1(x1) (x1>0) -> x1--
#define out1(x1) x1++

int M[nPlaces];
int T[nTransitions];

proctype net()
    ::  d_step{inp1(M[0])->T[0]++;out1(M[1]);skip}
    ::  d_step{inp1(M[1])->T[1]++;out1(M[0]);skip}
        M[0] = 1;
        M[1] = 0;
    run net();

ltl { M[0] U M[1] }

2 Answers


Your claim is violated in the initial state (before the init use of atomic). Here is a SPIN verification run (pan -a) with output from the trail file:

ebg@ebg$ spin -a foo.pml
ltl ltl_0: (M[0]) U (M[1])
ebg@ebg$ gcc -o pan pan.c
ebg@ebg$ ./pan -a
pan:1: assertion violated  !(( !(M[0])&& !(M[1]))) (at depth 0)
pan: wrote foo.pml.trail

(Spin Version 6.2.4 -- 21 November 2012)
Warning: Search not completed
    + Partial Order Reduction

Full statespace search for:
    never claim             + (ltl_0)
    assertion violations    + (if within scope of claim)
    acceptance   cycles     + (fairness disabled)
    invalid end states  - (disabled by never claim)

State-vector 36 byte, depth reached 6, errors: 1
        4 states, stored (7 visited)
        1 states, matched
        8 transitions (= visited+matched)
        0 atomic steps
hash conflicts:         0 (resolved)

Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
    0.000   equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
    0.290   actual memory usage for states
  128.000   memory used for hash table (-w24)
    0.534   memory used for DFS stack (-m10000)
  128.730   total actual memory usage

pan: elapsed time 0 seconds
ebg@ebg$ spin -p -t foo.pml
ltl ltl_0: (M[0]) U (M[1])
starting claim 2
using statement merging
spin: _spin_nvr.tmp:5, Error: assertion violated
spin: text of failed assertion: assert(!((!(M[0])&&!(M[1]))))
Never claim moves to line 5 [D_STEP]
spin: trail ends after 1 steps
#processes: 1
        M[0] = 0
        M[1] = 0
        T[0] = 0
        T[1] = 0
  1:    proc  0 (:init:) foo.pml:18 (state 3)
  1:    proc  - (ltl_0) _spin_nvr.tmp:3 (state 6)
1 processes created

you can see that the ltl was translated to: assert(!(( !(M[0])&& !(M[1])))) which is:

  !(( !0 && !0))
  !((  1 &&  1))
  !((  1 ))

and thus the assertion is violated.

The easiest way to avoid the problem is to change your arrays to just separate variables. Since your arrays are just size 2 it is easy to do:

int M0 = 1;
int M1 = 0;
int T0 = 0;
int T1 = 0;
/* then use as appropriate. */

With this, you can skip the init and just make the net proctype declared as active proctype net ()


Your ltl formula is placed fine. If you use ispin and verify (not simulate) your programm, make sure that the option "use claim" is selected. Caution: The default is "do not use a never claim or ltl property".