Unfortunately the Mockito documentation lacks of exhaustive information, it's difficult to find the proper way how to create the following setup.
I have a class "ResourceManager" which should be tested. This class instantiates another class "JerseyClient" which has a method called "get". I want "ResourceManager" to not invoke the real "JerseyClient" but a mock (or a stub?) from it (It's already unclear to me what is the difference between mocking and stubbing or mocks and spies in Mockito context).
My attempts are to @Mock (or @Spy?) JerseyClient, or at least one method of it:
public class ResourceManagerTest
private JerseyClient jerseyClient;
public void testResultHandling() throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException, ResourceException
TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity();
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
// doReturn("{\"get\":true,\"testAttribute\":\"2ndTest\",\"message\":\"success\"}").when(jerseyClient).get(anyString());
TestEntity result = (TestEntity)resourceManager.execute(testEntity, TestEntity.class);
assertThat(result, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(result.getMessage(), is("success"));
assertThat(result.getTestAttribute(), is("2ndTest"));
As you can see, I tried to mock jerseyClient.get() method to return a predefined JSON string:
But none of them work. That means that the real JerseyClient.get method is invoked, because it tries to make a HTTP request with the real JerseyClient.
What is the solution and what is this what I want to do here? Is it spying on a real object or mocking an object where I want to mock a method of it, and when can I replace methods, only on mocks or only on spies?