I have the following script.
I have a spreadsheet with 10 worksheets and 15 users logging in and modifying it.
Script Function:
Inserts the number of days between two days in the activesheet in a specific column, Script compare date from column J and TodayDay and inserts the difference in the column F.
I can not run this script with using timed triggers. I want to run this script every 15 min for the concurrent sheet.
Test Case:
The trigger only runs with timing if I have only one sheet in the spreadsheet. The trigger doesn't run with timing if I have more than one sheet. The trigger only runs for more than one sheet if I set the same trigger OnEdit.
I need to run this script for all sheets or active sheet every 15mins because I have two other scripts running OnEdit. When I set this script also in OnEdit the spreadsheet turn slowly.
function onOpen() {
var menuEntries = [ {name: "UpdateAge", functionName: "toTrigger"},
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// create a timer trigger that will call "toTrigger" every 15 minutes
function toTrigger(){
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sh.getRange(1,1,sh.getLastRow(),sh.getLastColumn()).getValues();
for(var n=0;n<data.length;++n){
function dayToToday(x){
var refcell = x;;// get value in column A to get the reference date
var refTime = new Date(refcell);
var ref = refTime.setHours(0,0,0,0)/(24*3600000);// set hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to 0 if necessary and get number of days
var today = new Date();
var TD = today.setHours(0,0,0,0)/(24*3600000);// set hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to 0 if necessary and get number of days
var day = parseInt(TD-ref);// get the difference in days (integer value )
return day ; // return result that will be in cell
Hi Srik,
Thanks so much Now is Working.
function onOpen() {
var menuEntries = [ {name: "UpdateAge", functionName: "shellFunction"},
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
function shellFunction(){
var sheets = ['Sheet1','Sheet2','Sheet3','Sheet4'];
for (var s in sheets){
// create a timer trigger that will call "toTrigger" every 15 minutes
function toTrigger(sheetName){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('SHEET ID');
var sh = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var data = sh.getRange(1,1,sh.getLastRow(),sh.getLastColumn()).getValues();
for(var n=0;n<data.length;++n){
function dayToToday(x){
var refcell = x;;// get value in column A to get the reference date
var refTime = new Date(refcell);
var ref = refTime.setHours(0,0,0,0)/(24*3600000);// set hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to 0 if necessary and get number of days
var today = new Date();
var TD = today.setHours(0,0,0,0)/(24*3600000);// set hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to 0 if necessary and get number of days
var day = parseInt(TD-ref);// get the difference in days (integer value )
return day ; // return result that will be in cell