I am just starting to develop GAE web application. I am trying to get a list of bucket of google cloud storage. I found some code from web site.
there are 3 ways on the web what I found.
using Google storage API
using Json liblary
but thsi sample needs to configure domain verification for bucket.
using python
our exisiting application is developped by gae for Java. I do not think thie python way can include in Java application.
then I would like to fix No1 way.
It show credential error. Buckets are authorized to everyone (All Authenticated Users )for now. I think I need to understand how the credential works. I have read the google developer page about 0Auth2. I could find a sample of bigquery. if you have a sample or good web sites about credential and google cloud storage, it will be great helpful.
the errors;
Error: com.google.api.client.googleapis.extensions.appengine.auth.oauth2.AppIdentityCredential.(Ljava/util/Collection;)V
what i did at API console:
creating client id (web application, service account, installed application each)
creating Simple API Access ( new server key , new browser key)
what I did at local machine;
- Set ACL with gsutil
my developing environment
eclipse 3.6 helios ( Japanese language pack)
gae java for eclipse
gae 1.8.0
java 1.6.31
google storage API
google client library
windows 7 English with Japanese language pack