I need to create a split view application that starts with basic view that I customize manually. Then I need to transition to the SplitView or push the master/detail table views onto the stack for the phone implementation.
The strategy I was planning to use would be placing the basic view into the detail pane on the SplitView controller, and while it was there just hide the side panel and button for the left pane in their respective orientations.
Is there a better way? Can I use a "plain" view as my root view, then switch it programmatically to a UISplitView?
For the phone version - this isn't really a problem. Since the navigation controller is the root view controller - I can just push more views onto the stack.
For the iPad - you cannot push a UISplitView controller onto the Navigation stack. I'd really like to do this so I have some concept of "back". I can create it programmatically - but before I do - I'd be interested in some other options if they exist.
I want to use Storyboards for this application - and the target version is iOS 5 - for ARC.