I'm a newbie in OpenCL.
From yesterday, I'm trying to use OpenCL for parallel programming instead of CUDA which is more familiar for me and experienced before.
Now I have NVIDIA GTX 580 GPU, Ubuntu Linux 12.04 OS and CUDA SDK 4.1 (already installed before because of CUDA programming).
In CUDA SDK folder, Some OpenCL header file and library are already included.
So I just downloaded OpenCL examples from NVIDIA's Developer zone. (Here is the link! https://developer.nvidia.com/opencl)
And I'm tried to compile some example by myself, but I couldn't.
I make Makefile by using -I I added path of header file, but I don't know how to added library path and what is the name of OpenCL library.
I searched on Google but someone said file named libOpenCL.so, but I only have OpenCL.lib.
Is Someone can help me?